Well, Here we are again... Yet more of these bloody 16-color icons for WB 2.xxxxx..... Included are some that didn't make the last archive, and some from my music directories. As I said before, many of these serve multiple purposes, with just slight modifications to the original. I have included the generic icons from my collection of iff sounds (Keyboards, Drums, etc.) Feel free to modify these to your heart's content. However, if you pass these icons on, please include this disclaimer. To get the proper palette, please download the file RDMICONZ.lzh, which contains approximately 100 system icons and the palette to view them with. I refeuse to take any blame for any damage resulting in the use or abuse of these or any other previous icons which I have turned loose upon the Commode-Door population. Nyuk, nyuk... R.D. McVey